When is signed up to play in the
Swashbuckler Soiree, I had planed on doing something more vintage or romantic. Of course life always seems to get in the way of all best laid plans, so I did this quick doodle in Photoshop. Hope you all are enjoying your journey thru Swashbuckler land!
Ahoy Lass,
Just a stop to say hello as we all sail together on The Blog Pearl taking swigs of rum before the pirates find us as we begin to enter a private cove around the island.
Lucky number 7 in cats : )
I love this. I had quite a giggle!
Any time there's talk of pirate's booty my ears pick up! Glad you made it in time for the voyage!
This is so cute. I love it.
Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!
T'is a joy to meet ye, missy pirate matey! Yer little dog is as much a pirate as any o' us! Cheers to ye!
He's a cute pirate pup!! Love the slogan too!!
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